It doesn't look like it was 40 degrees in Leah's senior portraits, but it was c - c - c - cold!!! She was such a good sport and powered through the freezing day for her senior portrait session. I've decided from now on if it's below 50 degrees we're rescheduling!! She loves her photos and whem mom cried at the reveal I knew it was worth it!!
Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-7 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-35 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-24 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-11 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-21 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-29 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-27 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-9 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-4 Darlington Senior Portait Photographer Rome-13